Samaritan's Purse News
Want to get involved at UBC with Operation Christmas Child (OCC) but don’t know how?
1. Pray.
Pray for this ministry. Every shoebox is a Gospel Opportunity, and it is estimated that at least 9 people are reached from a single shoebox.
2. Come to a Workday.
We have workdays almost every Monday morning from 9-12 in the FLC.
3. Make items to go in shoeboxes.
Maybe you can’t come to a workday. We have people in our church that have made hats, frisbees, washcloths, jewelry, toys, bags, etc.
4. Shop for Shoebox items
Some of the items that we need are soap, washcloths, pencil sharpeners, blue & black ink pens (logos are fine), flat head screws, notebook paper, crayons, scissors.
5. Donate items for the Mission Sale
We can’t have a sale without STUFF!
6. Work at the Sale
We have 2 sales a year: the first weeks of April and October. We need help pricing, hanging/folding clothes, setting up tables/racks/shelves, sorting/putting out items, assisting customers, etc.
7. Shop at the Sale
The sale is not a success without our church and community shopping at it. Tell everyone you know to come shop.
8. Pack a Shoebox
We occasionally have packing parties which are announced in our services and newsletter. Or you may call the church office Monday through Thursday mornings at 601-885-8806 to find out when the next one is scheduled.
9. Work at a Processing Center
Workers leave in the church bus on the Sunday morning following Thanksgiving and return the following Thursday. It is hard work but such a blessing.
"Which of these three, do you think, proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?" He said," The one who showed him mercy." And Jesus said to him, "You go, and do likewise." Luke 10:36-37